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What is Oppositional
Defiant Disorder (ODD)?
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is one of the most common disorders among children and adolescents who exhibit antisocial and violent behaviors that go well beyond what would be considered normal disruptive and acting-out behavior among peers of similar age and development (Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders, 2012).
ODD is a mental health condition in which a child acts aggressively and deliberately misbehaves. It usually begins in childhood, between the ages of 6 and 8, and lasts into adulthood. ODD is more than just typical childhood tantrums and its severity and frequency cause problems at home and at school. Furthermore, children with ODD frequently experience learning difficulties as a result of their behavior (Logsdon, 2020).

The oppositional defiant disorder is categorized into two types:
How is ODD different from...
Conduct Disorder
Both CD and ODD are related to conduct problems that bring the individual in conflict with adults and other authority figures. However, behaviors of the oppositional defiant disorder are typical of a less severe nature than those of conduct disorder. Criteria for ODD do not include aggression toward people or animals, destruction of property, or a pattern of theft or deceit. Also, ODD is characterized by emotional dysregulation problems (i.e., angry and irritable mood) that are not included in the definition of conduct disorder.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
ADHD is often comorbid with oppositional defiant disorder. Before one can make an additional diagnosis of ODD, it is necessary to determine that the individual's failure to conform to the requests of others is not solely in situations that demand sustained effort and attention or demand that the individual sit still.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Like ODD, intermittent explosive disorder also involves high rates of anger. However, individuals with this disorder show severe aggression toward others that is not part of the definition of oppositional defiant disorder.
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Symptoms of chronic negative mood and temper outbursts are shared both by ODD and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. However, the severity, frequency, and chronicity of temper outbursts are more severe in individuals with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder than those with ODD. When the mood disturbance is severe and sufficient to meet the criteria for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, a diagnosis of ODD is not given, even if all criteria for ODD are met.